Wednesday, April 13, 2011

some old poetry about acceptance and change...

every night I look into the sky
put my hands on either side of my eyes
and wait for the hidden lights to shine
I think of the ebb and flow of time
at one time I tried to conquer the impossible
questioning all things possible
I have learned that my view is jaded
I can not see the things that are shaded
upon accepting this
I have found a kind of bliss
I dont need to know everything
knowing that I will always know nothing
sheds boulders off my back
I can not predict every attack
i can not change inevitable
here is no need to steal all things covetable
for now i am here
change is not something to fear
you cant stop the boulder from rolling down the mountain
but you can change it s direction like a fountain
dealing with what I can
makes me realize I am simply a man
tomorrow may never come
this concerns some
id rather enjoy the day
anticipate the ripples i make while I stay
then drown in sorrow and despair
this for now seems fair
good can be bad
joy can be sad
so I concern myself with only myself
and put my worries on the highest shelf
this I think about while staring int to the sky
with each hand on either side of my eyes
when i think of the beautiful night
I know deep down, everything will be alright

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