Sunday, February 26, 2012

He's so worried...

Insan8ty forgot part of today and can't seem to stop crying. Apparently his biggest fear is Alzheimers (I know I spelled that wrong...) He's worried that he'll get it at a young age and be a huge burden on me. Sure, that worries me too, but I'll never leave him. I love him, he's so sweet, so good to me, and he understands me. I understand his fear, I have a similar fear of Dimentia. He's asked me to blog this for him, he's really upset and I don't know how to make him feel better. I've told him that if he works his brain sort of like a muscle, it will get stronger, but I think he's running in blind fear now. Please bring this up at his upcoming appointment. I'll be there too, if that's ok. Thanks.