Ok, crazy shit went down recently... Insan8ty let his brother stay for a few days, thinking that we have to move and living with him would make bills cheaper. So we let him come over for a few days as a test run. All was fine until he started bugging me to buy him some weed. I'm like "dude, not my scene" and he's like "well, I need it, I don't take meds, I smoke weed" This went on for three days before I stormed off into the bedroom and slammed the door, pissed that he kept bugging me. I could hear them talking, then yelling at each other. Theo trying to tell Insan8ty what to do, Insan8ty trying to get him to apologize for disrespecting me and him. Finally I heard what I thought was one of them pushing the other. I called 911. I found out later that it was actually the bro slamming something down on the counter or something like that, but the cops showed up, questioned us, and he left. We learned that not only can we not live with Theo Insan8ty's brother, we should not live with anyone.
I am pissed that Theo treated me that way and we've decided he's no longer welcome in our home. I am pleased that Dave stood up for me like that, but I think that Theo brings out the worst in Dave. I admit, I was really pissed that he kept bugging me to do something illegal that I did not want to do, and would not stop! He came into our home and started bossing us around like he was king of the basement. It was bullshit.
Right now me and Dave are at a friends' house. We've been here since Wednesday night. The first few days were stressful because of our friends' son and his friend, driving us crazy, but we went out to karaoke last night and had a blast! Me and Dave couldn't get enough of each other, singing, dancing, making out. I love him so much.
Feel free to ask me any questions. Anything to help Dave. Especially since he's helped get me into counseling as well. A couple that grows together stays together. -Kat