Monday, July 25, 2011

Facebook... my new enemy!
Feeling better getting stuff figured bring back pieces of myself from th past, being more social

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Feeling better again i realize that i need to bring some pieces of me back

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Learning to stay pissed depressed and happy at same time very hard

been a while

starting to feel a lot better, but i am seriously concerned about the rabbit hole as i call it, it is always right there next to me waiting to pull me in.  I am struggling to mainain the control i have achieved.  i have le3arned that the biggest reason why i wanted to moce out away from my roomates has to do with confusions and denial.  confusion over how i was feeling towards eve and denial towards how i was feeling towards my bro.  I realize now that my brother is the main cause of my freakout not like he caused in acuality but more like he was the straw the broke my back kind of thing.  he is currently residing in my space, and without my space I find it hard to recuperate or pull brain together when it begins to fragment.  as for my confusion towards evette, i think that just boils down to me being lonely as all fuck all the time and it makes it really bad when my depression hits like a tidal wave to the balls.  my conclusions?
i think I need to kick bro out, and i think i need to start looking for some kind of temparay solution or something to my lonliness problem.  if i could hook up with someone over the internet in this are it would be nice a friends with benefits thing would be fucking perfect but sadly that gets a little hard to achieve.  I want a relationship but find that I am in a position in my life where i realize that that is not quite such a good idea for the other person and myself.  If i could be proven by all freaking means do so.
I have also had a suspicsion of mine hit me in the face and I am hoping it to be eiher untrue or misguided....... anyway, i sometimes wonder if i am telling everything I need to be to my counselor so that he can best assist me..... but I dont know what to tell him really.... i am kind of confused on the subject sooooooooo-movingon
i have begun making music again, i am hoping to eventually create some rad shit to possibly get aired somewhere but I dont know yet/.
it would be awesome to learn or get the ability to create awesome techno like right on the freaking spot so i could go to bars around here and produce some sick shit!
dreams dreams hoipes and dreams with me they change like the fricking anyway i have knond of run out of things to say at the momment talk later bye now!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Finding balance . . . still seeking something to ease emotio8nal pain when it occurs

Friday, July 15, 2011

Im here im here hura hura huraqy huray help is to be found!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Scavenger hunt ....yay..not
Sometimes i wonder if i reaqlly want to be better strange thoughts see to be preventing me from doing whats needed
Doesnt help having a certain secretary being rude and mean
Not going to do anythibg about it but it does make life near impossible everything is down hill
If counselor is readinf this: car in shop making sure i can make tomorrow, hope i can cause i want death bad right now
Angry very angry life situation needs all make me angry im lonly lonely lonely
Everybody can fuck off!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I live e2very day with self hate, i crave love not just any love, love i can really from a WOMAN
Dont want to move also realize now why i dont rember much, i couldnt handle it,

starting to decide to make difficult decisions...

i dont know if its a good idea or not but at the same time well....
heres the problem
i am dealing with a lot of problems on my own, lots of stress that i cause on myself.  and now I have my eldest brother here with me.  and he is going through some troubled times. I dont want to be a dick.  but i cant handle this shit.  i cant handle someone else going through depression and bipolar shit right in front of me all the time.  In my space.  my safe zone has been permenantly invaded.  then there is some other facts i cant seem to get out of my head.  I have become so obsessed with eve that i have been taking pictures of her whenever i can, whenever I am feeling down.  wether she is sleeping or nude or swimming it doesnt matter.  On top of it i cant stop imagining what things would be like if i was WITH her.  even if it was a poligimous relationship, and the image keep getting better and better so much that I dont WANT to push them out of my brain they have almost become comforting.  and yet she sees my as a "dorky asexual brother" which slices through these ideas.  while my brother is getting help from her i cant help myself feeling like "why wouldnt she do this or that with me?"  even though i know that it is inaccurate and fucked up.  i cant stand it anymore.
so in conclusion,  I am starting to think I should leave.  move someplace near by.  i just dont know.  i am so tired of being lonely. i am so tired of everything.  when i think on it much, it starts to really hurt.  everyday it seems now somethign spikes in me, some deep emotional pain.  i am begining to think it has more to do with the fact that I "feel" like i am in love with a woman i can never have and I cant stand it anymore.  i will never get rid of the lonliness on my own but at the same time... i wont get rid of it here either.  plus I have reached a point that if I do decide to die... maybe i can go someplace better, maybe god will understand the struggles i am going through the time i am having the problems i am having the thoughts i am dealing with. 
I just wish i could get a decent woman, a nice lady like eve, but i dont think i can, i dont think i will anymore.  who would put up with me and not have lots of issues themselves/.  they are out there, but its not like I am going to be able to meet them sitting in a house all the time,. only going out when my anxiety doesnt bother me too bad... i just wiwsh there was a quick fix i wish there was something that would truly motivating my to LIVE, and not just this compulsion to survive not even a true desire more of a fear that something else could be waiting for me that is worse.  otherwise, if I thought i would just go to sleep or if i would go to some purgatory or heaven (like i would desever heaven HA), i would be dead by now...GARUNTEED!

been trying to get a hold of the counselor days ago but life seems to be conspiring against me phone died. 
then redied then redied. it got wet it took me a while to dry it out enough to work.  but sadly it didnt do me any good really, tomorrow I am supposed to see him.  but the car took a dump and now we cant.  and now i am fucked......
truly fucked probably before the next time i see him
totally fucked......
Question rises... who do i want as friends? not inportant, who do i want as my girl?
Getting wishful thinking that is beging to become obsession
Having issues begining to think it might be a good idea to move out, haveing confusions with eve
Feeling better, just trying to get used to having eldest bro living with us

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stressed bout head running too freaking fast in weird place with lots of emotion
Phone finally working hanging with bro feeling bad for playing phone tag with my counseler

Monday, July 11, 2011


i ahve been taking pictures of eve as she walks around doing stuff.  Its become an obsession and I dont know what to do about it.  my brain is frying.  my emotions readable yet not.  i know i am getting lonely but at the same time i seem to be feeling really weird and i dont know what to do
i dont know what to do.  my depression seems to be the side effect of my mania no longer being truly there like it used to be.  instead of getting angry and redirecting my depression through my anger, i seem more forced to contend with the depresion i dont know how to handle depression lonlness.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Feelings of lonliness depleting finally maybe i can get a tieline together to predict the future occurence
Feeling better elder bro coming in a few days

Monday, July 4, 2011

I feel better just had blow out tired if the massive shit would rather die than deal with it
Eve's got a letter saying how many hours shes going to get paid for not happy with number

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Still feel like crap dont know what to do. roomate went one day wearing clothes and thats it
Been trying to blog every morn dont know how well im doing

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Kitty bugs me yet he makes feel lil better?

dont know what i am doing

i know that i want friends that are funny, easy to hang with, and like me for me.  but at the same time, i want respect. i dont want frends that are stressing to be around.  i dont mind some stress people are stressful its a common thing.  but I don't need someone to lean on me.  and that is why I really really hate me
because I feel as though i am parasite or a symbiote (more parasite).  and therefore if i had a choice of wether or not to hang with myself I wouldnt.  i dont know what to do.  i am a goofy dork that must people consider more of a brother than anything else.  I HATE THIS FACT.
where is the power the respect the dignity in these things?  i dont see it I know it probably is there I just dont care for it. 

still dealing with lonliness and depression, begining to not give a shit about anything.  I am starting to sit comfortably on an island of "dont give a crap about shit"  I want to sleep all day now, dont care too much about eating until i have food in front of me. I dont want to go upstairs anymore.  i dont really want to hang with anyone.  I am all around unhapp[y with the cards I have been dealt in my life.  i am aware how stupid and self centered this i.  and I dont really give a shit.  If i thought i could go to a happier place, i would off myself.  but sadly that is the one thing my logic and emotions can agree on.  dieing isnt an option so living without living stalling until my moods rise, this is all I want or seem to be able to do.  i have no real life.  i have no one who i feel really cares.  and I live in a world of emotional delusion and have no real way out.  i am fucking unhappy if you havent caught the drift.  death would be a release if it didnt come from my hand or idea.  sadly god seems towant me to stick around.  if i was lucky some punk would run me over or shoot me to steal my wallet.  but hey!  i dont have luck I have shit.  anyway this isnt going to help any further so i amg oing to go lay in bed and pretend i live in a different world.  a world of abstract ness.  a world where my delusions are the rules.  where maybe i can be comfortable for a while yes?

fuck me
Antidepressant definitly needed
The darkness has fallen.... no longer care about things as much as i used to want to sleep
I have kind of figured out who i want as friends and after figureing that out have become rather unhappy with sefl

Friday, July 1, 2011

Maybe i should go a lil back to my roots i like my new clothes but tired of pretending
I feel fake, i gave up my blacj i gave my originality for what?
bored by myself encountering new idea